Thursday, October 26, 2006

A Very Brief Post

Dear friends

Since announcing about 2 weeks that I would be returning to Jordan's View I have been wanting to post, but I find myself battling a strange, prolonged achiness and malaise that has been completely exhausting me.

I am perplexed as to what it is, since I don't ever recall experiencing such extreme achiness for such a long duration before. I hope it is nothing more than a bacterial infection or virus that will run its course. A visit to the doctor the other day did not clear up the mystery though. However I was prescribed and have now been taking an antibiotic.

Please do keep me in your prayers as I have become a little worried, not knowing what is behind all this.

Blessings to you,


P.S. Update 11/14/06 I have confirmed with a specialist that I do have tendinitis and I'm now wearing a splint on my left arm, under the wrist. Arm is still a painful and stiff. I'm supposed to wear the splint for a couple of weeks. Other aches seem to be better. Thanks to God and thanks for your prayers! I am at work on a new post....

Update 11/9/06: I'm continuing to battle with ailments: one which seems to be tendinitis in my left arm, which makes it difficult for me to use the computer. Then I still have some body aches that seem related to a virus. Please keep me in your prayers, as I am anxious to return to Jordan's View. Blessings.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Beyond the Jordan

Well, at long last I think it's time to return to Jordan's View. I plan on easing back into blogging though, not putting pressure on myself to post constantly. I know there's still a danger of allowing the writing and maintenance of the blog to draw me away from higher priorities.

Nevertheless after many months of not blogging (except for a few posts here and there), I feel I have gained some perspective on the place blogging may have in my life.

So I resume blogging with a vision that my blog may join together with the voices of other Christian websites in proclaiming the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ-- and therefore, function as salt and light in this world.

I have also been reflecting again on the personal benefits of blogging. Rightly pursued, blogging can be a discipline that reminds me to watch my life carefully, that I might live up to the high ideals espoused here. However, I will make this disclaimer right at the outset: I know that as a flawed being my blog will often fail to live up to the high calling of Christ. It will fall short, because of my sin. But in this I gave all the more praise to God, who can use me and this blog despite my sinful shortcomings.

While being an ambassador for Christ is a universal call for His followers, each has been sovereignly assigned certain gifts. I believe that the gifts God distributes provide divine clues about our particular roles.

Viewing my gifting in this light, I see blogging as a natural fit. My gifts and interests have led me to consider such vocations as that of musician, worship leader, writer, speaker, teacher, minister. I trust that as I seek God while working on this blog, God will sharpen my ability to follow His call and give me the wisdom and power to pursue what is best. Even more important though, is the pursuit of God Himself. Jesus says, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness". Walking humbly with the Lord, being obedient to the teaching of the Word as illuminated by the Spirit, depending moment-by-moment on His strength-- are all part of this seeking.

In months to come I hope that this site will be distinguished by:

  • Reflective, well-written articles

  • Well-organized, regularly updated Christian resource links

  • Podcasts of my songs and original songs available for purchase

I would like to write articles that:

  • Delve deeply into the implications of the gospel for every area of life

  • Grapple with theological questions and convictions I am currently working out in my own thinking

  • Analyze and comment upon cultural trends from a Christian viewpoint

  • Provide personal Christian reviews of movies and books

Will I get to all of these? Perhaps not. It may be that this blog should limit the topics it covers even more sharply. But I'm looking forward to blogging again, under the vision I've described. I've titled this post "Beyond the Jordan"-- because I believe this blog should go beyond just my view on things, and hopefully reflect something of the truth that I only discover, but God originates and kindly reveals.