Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Call for Prayer for Persecuted Christians in India

In a new post, What Christians in India Are Facing Soon, Dan Edelen brings attention to persecuted Christians in India and links to an article titled Conversion By Force by an Indian Christian blogger. The article describes a "reconversion" initiative that was supposed to have been launched in India recently, and which will try to force Christians there to recant their faith in Christ.

This an outrageous. Dan asks all Christians everywhere to pray for the persecuted church in India, which is also apparently in the midst of a great revival!

I join with Dan in asking readers of this blog to pray that plans to try to force Christians to recant their faith will not work, and that the Christian revival in India will continue and flourish.

See also this article highlighting what's happening:
Christians in India Brace for Hindu 'Reconversion' Event

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