Friday, February 03, 2006

Telling A Story

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes..." (Romans 1:16)

I hadn't intended to blog so much about End of the Spear-- it sort of became an obsession for me this past week. It seems that for many Christians the whole controversy surrounding the film touched a deep nerve. Perhaps because there is so much moral compromise all around us in the culture, and because the story of these five missionaries is such a beloved one, we are concerned lest the truth and beauty of this beautiful story be compromised as well. But some have also made the important point that the Christian community ought to be treating each other with love and kindness, even in the midst of sharp disagreements.

To put the matter in perspective, it is not the end of the world if the movie isn't as good as it might have been, or whether the producers erred in casting the actor they did. Yes, I think that the concerns the Christian community voiced about the Spear are important, because the integrity of the gospel message is something we must defend. Still, the movie is just one small witness among many, and none of us perfectly reflects the goodness of God in our testimony. Each of us is telling a story, by the conduct of our lives, that testifies to the marvelous saving grace of our Lord. Each of us must learn how to bear good fruit.

Jesus says: "By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another (John 13:35)".

Forgive me Father, if any words I have spoken this past week have been more from my self than from you. Help me to be a truer representative of You in this world. May the cast and the producers of End of the Spear be filled with the knowledge of You, and grant them wisdom and courage in their future endeavors.

May we all be willing to be bold in standing for the truth, and at the same time, gracious, respectful and loving towards all.

Blessings to you,


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