Saturday, August 04, 2007

4-Part Video Series on the Emerging Church by Gary Gilley

I have posted in my Jordan's Video sidebar (right column) a 4-part series by Dr. Gary Gilley, who speaks on the dangers of the Emerging church.

The following is a description of the series, from

"Dr. Gary Gilley of Southern View Chapel visited Ireland and spoke on issues concerning the church today. This video is part of a four part series and a damning indictment of the market-driven churches that are so popular today.

Dr. Gilley contends that the church has sold out to our culture so that the influences of the culture have become the influences in the church. The most significant forces pressing against the church are entertainment, market driven philosophies and psychology. These three are largely absent from the Bible, yet are startlingly prevalent in evangelical churches. The leaders and issues he concentrates on most are Rick Warren and his book The Purpose Driven Church, Bill Hybels and Lee Strobel. In this fourth part of the series, Dr. Gilley will explain what the Emerging Church is and how it is dangerous to the Evangelical community."

The church I attended for many years in New York City seems to be embracing this "Emerging" approach to church growth, judging from their recent activities (doing the 40-Day Purpose Driven Church program and sponsoring simulcast seminars on leadership, led by Bill Hybels). It all sounds so good. But as these videos explain, the true gospel is not the primary value in this movement. Rather, what seems to be most important is what "works", while doctrine is downplayed. Though my old church is doing much laudable ministry, I think this new direction is clearly dangerous. Unfortunately, churches across the country are also succumbing to these misguided influences.

Please check out the videos and consider for yourself whether this Emerging movement is positive or negative.

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