Saturday, March 22, 2008

More Resources for the Reforming Christian

Since my own evolution from an (unexamined) Arminianism to a confirmed Calvinism was greatly aided by reading many superb on-line articles describing and teaching Reformed Christianity, I have tried also to be a help to others who may want to learn more about the "doctrines of grace" and examine them for themselves. To that end I began writing an in-depth series contrasting Arminian and Reformed theology (which I plan to re-visit and continue, as soon as I'm able) and more recently, have been writing a book review series of Richard D. Phillips' excellent title, "What's So Great About the Doctrines of Grace?". I also created a section for Reformed Theology on the sidebar there, which I continue to update and add resources to. More recently, I created a new "Netvibes universe" website titled " Resources for the Reforming Christian", which, though it duplicates many resources found here, may be a more-user friendly way to locate many of them. There's a link to that site too, from the sidebar here. Resources for the reforming Christian
The new site contains many reformed feeds, podcasts and website links, all found under descriptive tabs. It's think it's an easy site to navigate, and it's also simple for me to maintain and update. I have recently added tabs for "Reformation and Christian History", and if like me you've been investigating seminaries, you'll want to check out the new tabs for "Reformed Seminaries (Accredited)", "Reformed Seminaries & Schools (Non-Accredited)" and "Distance Education Programs/Courses". Many of the reformed seminaries and reformed distance education links are ones recommended by John Piper at Desiring God Ministries. Additionally there's a tab for Reformed Education- Free Seminary-Level Materials, which I aim to take more advantage of myself.

May your Resurrection Sunday remembrance be blessed and Happy Easter!

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